Section 5.3
Exercise #32

We want to show that the sum, , can beexpressed as , for some, , with , and some, , with .

The approach is similar to what is used inthe book on page 200 to justify what follows line (6), using theintermediate value theorem. However, in this unequal spacingcase, the application of the intermediate value theorem is moredifficult to make.

Each of the finitely many (n) terms in sum , arefunctions of two variables, , where. The function is theproduct of two continuous functions. Specifically, , whereand are eachcontinuous functions. As the finite sum and product of continuousfunctions is a continuous function, we may apply the intermediatevalue theorem to entire sum, .

First, we apply the intermediate valuetheorem to the sum on the factor, . The theorem implies thatfor some, , ,

In this case, the intermediate valuetheorem applies only with the stipulation that , andnoticing that the width satisfies .

Thetheorem may be applied only because lies within the range ofvalues of the sum



Next, apply the intermediate value theoremagain -- this time on the factor in .

Now, we have thedesired result, as the theorem gives that there is a value -- with chosen so that for which


Again, thetheorem may only be applied because the desired result

iswithin the range of values of
