Proofs and Derivations

Deriving the Product Rule

We derive the product rule for derivatives to show why when we differentiate the product function


the result is more complex than the product of the derivatives of the functions and.  (See example below.)

So, we begin by taking the formal derivative of the function 


which becomes


when we rewrite as the product of and .

Now, we will be unable to resolve the limit any further unless we apply a clever trick--to add and subtract the same quantity to the numerator of the limit--so that we may then separate the fraction into two resolvable limits.

So, we rewrite as


and then split the limit into two parts, as follows



The derivation is completed by noticing that


and that



So we obtain the result

What follows is an example to show why the derivative of the product function is of the form above and why  is  not



Note the we can take the derivative of most easily (without using the product rule) by rewriting as


and then by taking the derivative of this using the power rule for derivatives to obtain


Now, suppose we see what happens when we make the incorrect assumption that the derivative of is


We then would have that


which we know is incorrect.  However if we apply the product rule that


we obtain the correct result