Proofs and Derivations

Deriving the Chain Rule


The chain rule allows us to take the derivatives of composite functions, such as the function


(see answer below), with relative ease--once you get used to the how the rule is applied.

We start with the composite function


and take the formal derivative of 


and then replace with the composite function to obtain


Now, we apply a trick to help us resolve the limit (similar to what we did in the product rule derivation) to rewrite the derivative of as


To make it easier to see how to resolve this limit we let andand note that as we also have that . So the derivative of  above can be rewritten as


which gives us the result



This is written more properly by replacing above with   to obtaiin the final result




We can now apply the chain rule to the function


First we rewrite the function as


Then, we apply the chain rule to the above composite function to obtain the derivative